Have I told you that Spring is my absolute favorite time of the year? There is nothing that I don’t love about it. Beautiful blooms, sunny 70’s, happy birds, bouncing children, flying Frisbees, longer days, biking, berry picking, ice-creams and smoothie marathons. yeah, I love Spring. But my heart goes out to those who can’t enjoy it due to pollen allergies. Such a beautiful time of the year goes either staying indoors in hibernation or masking oneself (in vain) hoping those small, nasty, pesky little pollens would stay out of our bodies. Well, the sad news is that pollens didn’t get the memo. No one told them about the ‘Live and let Live’ Rule.
Well, I can’t (even if I want to) blame Spring for these pollens (knowing that it’s our body’s mechanism and not the nature) and strip away its honor and glory for being so wonderful. After all, the season that gives me an opportunity to enjoy smoothies can’t be that bad, can it? When you hold that ice-chilled, tall glass of thick fruity-smoothie in your hands and watch the droplets of condensation running down its length in the sunny, sultry afternoon, don’t you feel that spring is So worth it? Of course, you can have smoothies in summer too but that’s a bit too hot for my liking so Spring it is, for me.
This tropical smoothie is absolutely worth the wait for hot weather. It is every bit or rather every sip delightful. This smoothie will give you vacation goals, believe me. One sip and you will imagine yourself lounging on a beach with a book in one hand and a tall glass of tropical sunshine in another. Pineapples, Coconut and Bananas remind me of a long, over-due vacation. I think I can hear Hawaii calling. Husband dear, are you listening?
Ingredients Instructions
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I got a whole pineapple today from costco and plan was to make smoothie this weekend after searching for a recipe..and here you are :), one qq – why frozen banana and not a regular one
Well, when u use frozen banana, u dont need to use ice cubes that dilute the smoothie and also it affects the texture if smmothie. Smoothies made with frozen banana are thicker and creamier. U cud use fresh banana and then refrigerate it.