This strawberry ice-cream is any ice-cream lover’s dream. There is hardly any recipe out there which has a 6:1 ratio of milk and cream. ( most have 1:1 or even worse 1:2 ratio) And it’s every bit creamy (without tasting like cream) with zero crystal formation. When you scoop it out after it has been in the freezer over night, it feels like a knife going through butter. The bold flavor of berries shines through this ice cream making it perfect for hot summers. Before the berries go away for this year, make this ice-cream. It is a keeper.
Here is the recipe-
For Strawberry sauce-
4 cups chopped Red Strawberries
3/4 cup Sugar
For Custard-
4 large Egg yolks
1/2 cup Sugar
3 cups whole Milk
1/2 cup Heavy cream
Pinch of salt
1 and 1/2 tsp pure Vanilla extract
1 and 1/2 tbsp. Rum
Chopped Strawberries to serve with
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