Temperatures are soaring all over India. Sun is staring right in your face until the late hours of the day and it is safe to say that turning on the oven falls somewhere at the bottom of anyone’s list of priorities. It probably would remain turned off all throughout the summers, if not for the kids. Who has the heart to listen to their incessant pleading and watch their eternal pouting when they set their hearts on baking a cake? This berry cake then comes as a blessing in disguise because not only does it tastes divine but it also does not require any baking at all.
By now, the entire e-world (Ya, I mean those handful of people who love me 🙂 ) knows that I love berries. All berries, of any shape and form, are welcome with open arms in my home. In fact, I am almost certain that even the berries know it by now. They are always on my grocery list, every week at this time of the year. My kids love all kinds of berry smoothies and cakes and pancakes and what-not. So it wasn’t a surprise when I chose a Berry cake for such a special occasion in my life. It would have been a shocker if I had picked any other cake. It is sweet and tart, rich and incredibly light, all at the same time. This is one of my favorite cakes so far in terms of taste and I am not being biased here.
So what’s the special occasion, you ask? I married my husband 10 years ago, today! A decade ago!! Sounds like a really long time. But not too long ago, we met each other through our families. His humility struck me (What struck him like a bolt of lightning about me, is still unbeknownst to me 🙂 ) and as cliché as it sounds, our fates were sealed on the very first day that we met. It has been a roller coaster ride since then, but a ride that I am only willing to take with him, each time. Happy 10th Anniversary to us! Here is to another decade of togetherness…….
Ingredients Instructions Notes I do not line the edges and bottom of spring foam pan with any parchment paper because it is frustrating to line the lady fingers neatly in the pan and also to cut the slice without cutting the paper along with it. Remove the ring of the spring foam pan carefully so that the filling remains undisturbed. It is fairly easy to do that. I served this cake with the bottom of the cake intact. Keep the blueberries whole in the sauce. They provide awesome crunch between the layers. This cake tastes best after 8 and before 24 hours of assembling it. As time passes, the berry flavor becomes more and more prominent.
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