I know, I know! You must be thinking “Another baked treat Nidhi! Seriously? ” And I wouldn’t blame you if you thought that ways. I have myself thought that these past few weeks. But I can promise you I am not on a baking spree of any sorts. In fact, far from it. While I am trying to settle down into the new place and putting away the ever-present boxes to make some space in my kitchen, I am also adjusting to my son starting elementary school since last week. It’s been quite a week, I must say. Long and stressful! And cooking as usual took second priority :(. It’s ironic as well as sad, if you ask me. Sad because one’s (irrespective of the gender) own passions and hobbies take a back seat when it comes to family. And ironic because the thing that brings you utmost joy and happiness and the one you want to do the most comes last in terms of priority.
Anyways, so for this very reason I am digging out my old recipes that I had saved for such rainy days coz it is definitely pouring out here. This blueberry coffee/tea cake is one of those recipes. Everyone, by now, knows that I love berries. But what you don’t know is that until recently, out of all the berries, I used blueberries the least. But that’s definitely changing now. I am starting to admire these little friends more and more every day. They are one of the few perfectly sized berries that can be used whole while baking. And of course, they make everything taste delicious.
- 2 cup all purpose Flour
- 1 cup Sugar
- 1/2 cup heavy Cream
- 1/2 cup whole Milk
- Juice of 1/2 Lemon
- 2 tsp Baking powder
- 2 1/2 cup Blueberries, chilled
- 1/2 cup unsalted Butter
- pinch of salt
- 2 large eggs
- 2 tsp Vanilla extract
- Preheat the oven at 350F.
- In a bowl, sieve together flour, baking powder and salt.
- Keep handful of blueberries aside. Add some of the above flour to the remaining blueberries to coat them well.
- In another bowl, cream butter and sugar together until whipped well. Add eggs one at time, making sure the first one is fully incorporated before adding another.
- To this add cream, milk, lemon juice, salt and vanilla extract. Mix well.
- Add the flour to the liquid and fold the batter until mixed well.
- Fold in gently the flour coated blueberries and make sure they are evenly distributed in the batter.
- Pour the batter into a 9 inch greased and prepared loaf pan.
- Sprinkle the handful of berries kept aside on the top of the batter.
- Bake this cake for 75-80 min or until toothpick comes out clean.
- Enjoy when it has cooled off enough to cut pieces.

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