If Gods ate breakfast, ever wondered what would that be? Well, am pretty sure, it would be something similar to Acai (Ah-sigh-EE)Bowl. Acai berries have been termed as the super food for quite some time but I couldn’t get my hands on them as they are not available easily. But then I read about acai purée and acai concentrates being available in specialty food stores and it was like I had found a treasure!
Few months back, while going through some food magazine, I came across acai bowls. What a concept!! Smoothie that is thick enough that you can eat it with a spoon!! Top it up with some of the most amazing toppings and there you have it, your very own acai bowl. Now! Now! It may be as simple as throwing the ingredients together and wolfing it down but it’s a fab breakfast dish and it tastes so heavenly. Don’t even get me started on its health benefit. This post will turn into a novel.
The breakfast sets the tone of how our body will behave for the rest of the day. Eat some ghee soaked paranthas and see the yawns come and how sluggish one feels. And I love paranthas, don’t get me wrong but let’s admit, it’s not the most rejuvenating food out there, is it? When you eat this bowl full of goodness, you will feel so energized and springy that you might have to hold yourself back from bouncing off the walls! Now, that’s a reason good enough to eat this bowl.
A lot of you may not be able to find acai purée and I want to put it out there that it’s ok. Get your hands on any berry and you are good to go. So let’s get started…..hop! hop! hop!
- 1 pack frozen acai puree
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 13 raspberries
- 1/4 cup Greek yogurt or plain thick yogurt
- 1/2 fresh banana
- 12-13 raspberries
- 12-13 blueberries
- 5-6 slices kiwi
- 2 tbsp. sweetened coconut flakes
- 1/8 cup roasted oats or granola
- 1 tbsp. chia seeds
- 5-6 raw or roasted pistachios
- 5-6 raw or roasted pecans
- Run the puree under water for a minute. Put it in a blender with frozen banana, raspberries and yogurt and give it a whizz. The puree should be thicker than smoothie. Pour it out in a bowl.
- Put all the toppings on the base and serve immediately.
Using frozen puree and frozen banana maintains the thick texture of the base.
You can use the toppings as per your liking.
If you get the unsweetened version of acai puree then add honey to the base as per your taste. Mine was sweetened but would prefer unsweetened in future.
Use any berry puree (frozen) instead of acai berry puree if you can't find acai concentrate.

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Super recepie bhabhi…
Thanks di.
Oh this looks so amazing! I would do anything to get my hands on that bowl full of goodness!! I discovered the wonderful acai on a trip to Hawaii and made sure I had it for breakfast everyday while I was there. I wish it was easily available in India.
I totally get you Monu! Once you try it, you crave for it!
Awesome indeed!!!!
Thnks bhai.